Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The two most important layers in my life are "the Lizard" and "Ship". I believe I have both of these problems that I must overcome to do what I want to do in life.
The Lizard strikes your mind telling you that you can't do it, you wont ever be good enough, they will laugh at you. NO ONES LAUGHING! It's all in my head. I need to keep my mind set on my future and remember how far I have came but also remember how far I need to go. Its going to take a long time but I can do it. Stay focused and don't fall into The Lizards game.
Ship, I am always frightened to show people my expressive art. I keep it all by myself and never let it be shown. Why? I don't know, maybe its The Lizard. But to get anywhere I need to ship. I need to be will to show everyone my art. I'm not afraid of laughter, it takes a lot to embarrass me but my art is my soul so I have to stand by it.

With this blog I have been making I can see how this makes these things go away. I can put all of my art on here for everyone to see. Slowly I'm becoming the shipper. The Lizards not telling me that people are going to make fun of me because as this is a class everyone has to do this. But wether or not I am putting my art on here, my words, my emotions, my viewpoints on life. Do I like it? Yes. I want to venture out and show everyone my work, I want the world to know the music of Joshua Powell. As a music composition major there is always so many people around me telling me my work isn't like everyone else's and they don't get. But those are professors, do they truly know the now when I ask my friends and they love it.   

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