Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5A. Reimagining Visual Framing

This is Salvador Dali's "Metamorphosis of Narcissus." I knew I wanted to use one of his pictures because he is one of my favorite artists, He gives me a lot of inspiration with the music I write.

To compare these two images obviously that are both the same thing but one is a zoomed in part of the flower coming out of the egg. The part of the real picture I want to point out is the reflection of the hand on the water side. If you don't know the story of the mythical person Narcissus,  He was a very beautiful person and everyone wanted him. One day he walked up to a lake and saw his reflection and fell in love with it. He eventually died because he never moved. He was fixated on the reflection he was in love with. And Metamorphosis is a collection of books tell of ancient stories about mythical people.

For me the flower is a very import part of of the painting. It is the only thing that is growing/not dieing in the painting. I think it represents rebirth and finding new beauty and not focusing on your own, this painting is so famous because of all of the things it stands for. Every little part has a meaning. Mostly about life.

To Contrast, If I just looked at the zoomed in egg I would think of happiness and the happiness of new life but if you look at the whole painting that it is more than that. I mirrored part of the image shows death and what narcissism gives you. Either way you look at it, this painting is a beautiful way to show the problems with humanity and our self-absorbed way we only think about ourselves.

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