Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I think the biggest point that didn't come across is why someone would want to play a game about Scottish people. Why would this be fun, maybe if someone was drunk?.  The objectives of the game is to get to the end of the of the road like "mario" so it is  kind of stealing an idea from someone else, so I guess the biggest thing is why would you choose this over "Mario"? I don't really know but it would be fun. It would be a good iphone app, I feel like people would actually play it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011





You have a very nice stick figure of a hero. 


I love your villain, I can't believe that you were able to make that through pencil. It was very well done. You can definitely tell that your character is a villain because of how dark the person is and the types of moves the character uses, also the dark shadows 


I love your superhero, It has nice colors and I can tell that yours is a hero by the lightness of the character . THe mood of you character is really happy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

7 Written Reflection

In our group we focused the most on lines in our video. We had joke script 3. Every scene had to have some focus on lines. We used doors a lot to show lines and focus points. With the shape of our characters head we kept it the way his head was, bulky square like. We used space very dramatically ranging from the little room of the dorm to the character running across campus to class, With very long shots of him running. With rhythm and movement we use a lot of synced music with the tempo of him running and falling where rhythm was needed to give the movie a comedy feel. 

The group that I really liked was the silent movie with the joke script 4
I loved this one a lot. I liked that there wasn't any color.